Riven was amazing. When it was released, NOTHING came close as far as detail, sound quality and sheer depth. Now, 13 years later I find that the game has lost NONE of its epic beauty and still, its been crammed onto my favorite device!
The game runs smooth, sounds GREAT with headphones (turn the volume UP!!!) and has some helpful features in case you get stuck (which, being Riven, you will... eventually ;)
My only gripe is that some of the movies or animated objects didnt quite make it past the compression that Cyan needed in order to make the game into an iOS app. All the animations are there as they are supposed to be, but they have a "choppiness" to them that was not in the original. It doesnt detract from the gameplay, but for people whove played the original, itll be noticed. For those whove never played the original game on the PC/Mac, you wont notice ;)
Buy Riven. Wander around a bit and when youve got your bearings, buy a good notebook to keep track of your journeys, the sights and the sounds. Take screenshots with the built in iOS functionality so you can refer to them later. Write EVERYTHING that looks or sounds important down. At the end of the game, the notepad itself will become an awesome story!
Long flights over the holidays just got a WHOLE lot better!
Thanks Cyan ;)
majicmeow about Riven (Legacy) for Mobile, v1.0