Doesnt exist in french ?! Doesnt work anymore on PC Ive played a lot on Myst series (all) and want to purpose it to my son Coz today no more clever game on pc or others
Doesnt exist in french ?! Doesnt work anymore on PC Ive played a lot on Myst series (all) and want to purpose it to my son Coz today no more clever game on pc or others
But the note under the wooden eye in the house near the boiler is unreadable
I would gladly take a 2Gb filesize with better graphics! Also: what about Myst III? Lastly: iphone 5 optimization probably isnt possible, but a man can dream...
Riven was amazing. When it was released, NOTHING came close as far as detail, sound quality and sheer depth. Now, 13 years later I find that the game has lost NONE of its epic beauty and still, its been crammed onto my favorite device! The game runs smooth, sounds GREAT with headphones (turn the volume UP!!!) and has some helpful features in case you get stuck (which, being Riven, you will... eventually ;) My only gripe is that some of the movies or animated objects didnt quite make it past the compression that Cyan needed in order to make the game into an iOS app. All the animations are there as they are supposed to be, but they have a "choppiness" to them that was not in the original. It doesnt detract from the gameplay, but for people whove played the original, itll be noticed. For those whove never played the original game on the PC/Mac, you wont notice ;) Buy Riven. Wander around a bit and when youve got your bearings, buy a good notebook to keep track of your journeys, the sights and the sounds. Take screenshots with the built in iOS functionality so you can refer to them later. Write EVERYTHING that looks or sounds important down. At the end of the game, the notepad itself will become an awesome story! Long flights over the holidays just got a WHOLE lot better! Thanks Cyan ;)
If we would have told cyan in 1995 that in 2010 this game would be on a phone they would have made fun of me . Wow this game is exactly the way it was on the computer well done. Very happy to buy it. Uru anyone ? It could work look at the lasted game infinity
Riven is by far the best strategy game Ive ever played. But with all of its mind blowing scenery why the iPhone?? Please come out with an iPad version and let us play it the way its meant to be enjoyed.
The mac versions of the Myst games often suffered from crappy coding for the mac version, leading to all sorts of crashes and bugs, so having the chance to play Riven again, even on a small ipod screen is very welcome news. The visuals are amazing as is the sound. The Myst games are the only games that Ive wanted to play. They are immersive and addictive. theres nothing like getting lost in a beautiful world for hours at a time and not have to kill everything you come across. I wish this style of game was the norm.
OMG I have 2.3 GB available and it still wont download!!! Awesome game though.
This game can be loaded onto the ipad but the resolution is terrible and it can only be zoomed to 2x. No help menu or tooltips. Seems to have originally been a point & click, but the navigation doesnt translate well to touch-screen devices.
Since the Hot Spots problem has been fixed, this game gets, and deserves, 5 stars. Ive always loved this game. Now I can love it everywhere I go!
Riven was, and is still my favorite game of all time! when i saw Myst 1 and 2 for the iPod, i almost pissed my pants with exitement. I would absolutely LOVE to see 3,4, and 5 come out for the iPod, and iPad aswell.
I am so excited to be playing this game again! Its been years and its still one of my favourites! I know Exile might be too huge to convert, but I would definitely buy it FOR SURE if it ever came available. I love you Cyan! Thank you so much for making these games playable on the ipod!
Equals the quality of the PC/Mac version, and portable. Hard to met go.
Very nice indeed. Lets you get your Myst fix while mobile. I would pay money AGAIN for a better resolution iPad version, with full panning (if thats possible). ;vP
Purchasing and playing this app truly forfilled my ultimate destiny in life: to play the perfect game (in my mind). There really are no words to describe this game, as words like flawless and perfect would be an incedible understatement and insult to the game. When I first played the app, I cried. But these werent ordinary tears, they were tears of immense joy. Cyan Worlds has truly perfected video games to levels beyond possible human comprehension. Thank you Cyan Worlds for making the world a better place for all mankind, for future generations to come, forever and ever. - Lorne Perreault
Riven is a great game. However this port does have some drawbacks- * The original game was not designed for multi-touch, or for such a small screen. * Smaller buttons are very difficult to trigger, causing you to hit the screen rapidly with your finger. * The distinction between gestures or just tapping a border region of the screen is inconsistent * In the original the mouse cursor would indicate a clickable region with a mouseover. Without any indication youre left to just click on everything rapidly and hope that something happens. Their solution to this is region hints, which arent turned on by default because theyre ugly as hell˜! * Im guessing the team that ported it did not have the opportunity to re-render any material. By how it looks, I have a strong feeling that the compressed versions of everything from the original game have just been RE-COMPRESSED to get down to 1GB. It doesnt look good and doesnt do the beautiful world of RIven justice. THe compression artifacts are really blocky. This is especially unfortunate because modern codecs such as h.`264 could have done a much better job if you had better media to start with, which I suspect they didnt.
I spent many hours of my youth in this game and am so glad to see it on my iPhone! Clearly the best form factor for the game taking advantage of the touch interface! Great job guys keep it up!
This is just like the original. Looks just awesome on retina display. If you like Riven and Myst then get this app, you wont be disappointed. Oh BTW MYST is on SALE for a buck right now :)
Finally ported to the iPhone (and the one that started it all Myst). I cant wait to see if more come out (exile, uru, etc.)
You are as gods to me now. Thank you.